Podcast: Soundtracking with Bruce Springsteen

“We’re always trying to find someone whose broken pieces fit with our broken pieces.”

Last Autumn I spent a quiet afternoon hiding out at the cinema watching Bruce Springsteen’s film Western Stars. I have to confess I don’t know his music too well but the movie, well, the movie is just beautiful. It’s a sweeping meditation. A performance film intercut with stories about the songs and stunning footage of the American landscape. It makes you feel like you’re out on the open road, under an endless starry sky and in a bar with your best friends at the same time. The songs are accompanied by a 30 piece orchestra and Springsteen’s unmistakable vocal.

This gorgeous interview digs deeper into why he made the movie. Springsteen talks about how he wanted to immerse himself in thoughts about “love and difficulty of love” and asks “how do you move from being an individual into a life that’s filled with… communal experience.” The discussion is dotted with clips of music from the film and it’s just lovely. A perfect listen for a walk out in the fresh air.


Illustration Inspiration: Frannerd


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