Illustration Inspiration: Frannerd

When I started drawing in 2014, I stumbled across a 24 hour comic book challenge on Twitter. Fran Meneses, also known as Frannerd was one of the artists who was taking part. I watched throughout the day as she, and others, drew. It sounds silly but I’d never really considered that there were different kinds of illustration. I somehow thought of illustrators drawing picture books and greetings cards but started to think about the fact they also created cartoons, prints, editorial illustrations, clothing designs, all sorts of beautiful things. It opened up a whole new world to me.

I realised Fran had a YouTube channel and over the years, I have absorbed myself in her content. She is so open about her life and illustration process. I love hearing about how she has developed her style, how she set up her studio and just seeing how her days unfold as she creates. I’m inspired by the fact that she has shaped her world around her art. And apart from anything else, everything she creates, including her vlogs, is just SO pretty!

Fran is Chilean and travels the world with her husband Ed (who is also an amazing creative and has his own YouTube channel). They’ve lived in Berlin, London and Hastings and are currently based in Brooklyn. She started out selling her art on Etsy but recently created her own beautiful shop called We Are Nice Humans where she sells cute t-shirts, tote bags and stationery. And we all LOVE stationery, don’t we?

You can also support Fran on Patreon. She releases regular podcasts and videos and shares snippets of her creativity everyday. Here’s a lovely example of one of her videos to enjoy with a cup of tea.

one last run to my studio to pick some stuff up, and a week of painting and working on my graphic novel : ) materials I use: -Moleskine Art Edition -Acryla G...


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