Summer Playlist

It’s that time of year again, when it’s almost too hot to sit and write. So I find myself waking up early with the sun streaming through my window and getting myself up and out early to scribble notes by hand in cafes. With the light lasting long into the evenings, it’s more bearable to sit at my laptop in the evenings and the familiarity of my playlists help me to drop into a flow state.

This season’s playlist starts with Stevie Nicks. I could have filled the whole list with her as I’ve been getting lost in her entire back catalogue while painting lately. She sneaks in with Tom Petty a little later too. Coldplay had to feature after their phenomenal Glastonbury set and that moment with my hero Michael J Fox. And then there are a few tunes that I’ve stumbled across online that have just caught my attention. Ruti’s voice especially stopped me in my (scrolling) tracks and this drum and bass mix is beautifully hypnotic when I’m lost in writing.

The list ends with a little bit of France to bring to mind an event I work on there each year and to remind me of holidays of days gone by with my lovely Mum and sister. I hope you enjoy this little musical gathering as you create too. Happy Summer x


This Is A Lovely Place To Be

