Nature On Canvas

I’m so excited to be releasing my first collection of canvas paintings. I’ve been experimenting over the past couple of months as it’s the first time I’ve painted on canvas rather than on paper. And it feels so nice! The paint soaks in more and layers so smoothly. When I’m painting abstracts, I paint over and over some areas until it feels right and the canvas really adds to the sense of depth. I wanted to try to capture some of the sheer energy and abundance of nature as the seasons change. You know that moment when all of a sudden everything is green again. When you turn your back for a second and the garden runs completely wild. If the moment is right, I find myself in a total reverie when I paint. I sometimes close my eyes to just sense where the next brushstroke needs to be. I hope that energy comes across in the end result.

For now, there are just five paintings in this collection. Each one made with love and with a touch of gold, always.


Creative Musings


Pink Peonies Print & Mug