The Joy of Illo Advent

For the past five years I’ve joined in with the festive #illo_advent illustration challenge hosted by the magical Penny Neville-Lee. Many illustrators join in and it’s such a lovely hashtag to browse while drinking a mulled wine of an evening. For me, it’s also a really great way to push myself creatively. It gives me a chance to try out new drawing techniques and this year especially it feels like it has helped me to improve my illustration style. It’s also so nice sharing the images with people every day. I love receiving comments from friends online who look forward to seeing something Christmassy each day.

This year, I drew carol singers with the aim to gather them all around the tree on Christmas Eve. I imagined a lot of them pulling on coats and Christmas jumpers over their pjs to dash out into the snow to join in the singing. A friend suggested that one of them should spot Father Christmas flying through the sky so only one of them has their gaze skyward. Can you spot them?

Merry Christmas everyone!

Illo Advent 2020.png

Lift The Sky Mugs & Prints


Make Your Own Decorations