Original Art For Sale


So much of my creativity starts with a feeling. I loved art classes when I was at school. I remember spending hours painting a pair of ballet shoes, trying to get the light on them exactly right. I remember the feeling of being completely absorbed in the task and a gentle contentment as the painting started to look how I saw it in my mind. Life disconnects you from these things doesn’t it? Life and work tend to take us away from the simple pleasure of swishing a brush around on a page.

I rediscovered painting a couple of decades later. I felt a need to feel that feeling. At the time, I didn’t even buy any paints, I used a tester I had from a DIY store and a brush that was meant for painting skirting boards. I swished paint around on a page of A4 just to feel it.

This is the sentiment that I try to capture in my paintings. I now use acrylics and a set of paintbrushes that are fit for the task but still often close my eyes while I paint and feel that contentment. I highly recommended it if you want to get back in touch with something you’ve lost.

I’ve started to sell some of my original paintings recently. I love receiving photos of my paintings in their new homes, framed beautifully, displayed on colourful walls. It feels like a bit of the contentment and calm is shared through the brushstrokes.

You can browse my collection of original paintings here if you’d like one for your own home or would like to send a little creativity to someone you love.


If In Doubt Create Mugs


Be Kind To Your Mind Print