#1 A Love Letter To Creativity

Valentine’s Day feels like a perfect day to share my very first Love Letter To Creativity. Here are some of the gems I’ve been enjoying recently. I love how all of the plays, tv programmes, articles, books, works of art, songs, illustrations, films, photographs… ALL of these things that we enjoy, that make us feel, start as a spark of an idea in someone’s mind. I want to celebrate all of the gorgeous creative things that move me.

  • It’s Wes Anderson’s world, we just live in it - the Accidentally Wes Anderson exhibition is on in London at the moment and it’s a right treat. There are more than 200 photos, all shared by creatives around the world who have spotted places that look like they are straight out of a Wes Anderson movie. It’s all very pleasing! The exhibition moves around the world I think and it looks like it’s in Tokyo next.

  • A stunning piece of theatre - my goodness, what a show. I was lucky enough to see The Motive & The Cuewhen it was on at the National Theatre in 2023. It’s now transferred to the Noel Coward Theatre until 23 March 2024. It’s a dream combination of Jack Thorne’s script, Sam Mendes’ direction and Es Devlin’s design. Add to that Mark Gatiss’ exceptional portrayal of Sir John Gielgud and Johnny Flynn’s captivating Richard Burton as they reenact the story of their rehearsals for Hamlet and you have a rare and memorable combination.

  • The Netflix show we’re all watching, right? - the new adaptation of David Nicholls’ beloved book One Day with the magical Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall. I managed to stretch it out over three nights even though it was sotempting to binge it all until three in the morning. I love how the format of a series gave the story room to breathe. I read that the team filmed episode 14 less than a week into production. If you’ve watched the show already, imagine! No spoilers (although I think we all know the story) but Leo Woodall gives one of the most realistic depictions of ‘that emotion’ that I’ve ever seen. The writing, the cinematography, the casting, the acting! I’m tempted to start watching all over again.

  • A beautiful Substack read - I’m so excited that Clover Stroud has joined Substack. I love how she writes on Instagram and I love her podcast Tiny Acts of Bravery. I relate so much to this piece about grief simultaneously brutally robbing you of someone you love and turning the world to the most vivid technicolour you’ve ever seen. It’s such a confusing, heightened state to live in and Clover captures it so well.

  • The sheer joy of seeing Carrie and Ferris! - the second I saw that Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick were performing in London, I knew my theatre-loving friend would love to go. Which happily meant that I had to go too. We sat way up in the Gods last night at an evening performance of Plaza Suite. I feel like I should add, we were lucky enough to get tickets before the prices got astronomical. I do wish theatre was more reasonable and more accessible but that’s for another post!

  • A film to get lost in - I approached Good Grief written, directed by and starring Dan Levy with some caution I confess. I wasn’t sure if I was in the mood for a film about grief. Sometimes things are just a bit too close to the bone. But I was glad I took the leap. It’s so well crafted and played and focuses just as much on the importance of friendship as it does on loss. I also loved this interview with Dan on BBC’s Screentime.

Until the next time, lovely creatives x


One Day Illustration


New Year’s Cake