Creative Comforts: Winter Edition

Every few months, I like to gather a handful of comforting things into a post to share some gems I’ve found either online or out and about that resonate with me and I hope, will resonate with you.

A Cosy Winter Recipe
I first made this delicious ginger and chocolate cake for New Year’s Eve 2020 and when New Year’s Eve 2021 came around I thought I would start to make it a tradition. This cake is cosy and indulgent. The recipe says to make it as a round sandwich cake but I chose to bake it in a loaf tin. This meant it needed a little extra cooking time but I like how you can cut a really chunky slab to enjoy. I also sprinkled it with a little icing sugar to make it feel a little more wintery.

Something To Binge Watch
Ted Lasso has been available on Apple TV for a while but if you haven’t had the pure joy of watching it yet, cold winter nights are the time to indulge! You might think it’s a show about football but goodness, it is so much more. As a writer, I loved how the script unfolded and how subtly, yet profoundly, the characters are revealed. Enjoy!

A Beautiful Book
I mean, what can I say about Nigel Slater? He’s the only person I’ve ever been slightly star struck by because I basically love him. His writing is so poetic and evocative that his cookery books read like novels. I received his latest publication, the beautiful A Cook’s Book as a perfect Christmas present from someone who knows me very well indeed. Just look at it! I’ve already made the sweet potato and lentil shepherd’s pie and it was absolutely perfect comfort food to eat while planning what to make next.

A Comforting Podcast
I’m a big fan of Guy Garvey. In a poll, I imagine he’d be the person most people would like to have pint or a large glass of red with. He’s a wonderful storyteller and I really appreciate his story of tenacity as a creative. I listened to this podcast as I was walking and felt like I was in the restaurant with him and Jay. Guy’s radio show on 6 Music, Guy Garvey’s Finest Hour is also a perfect listen on Sunday afternoons. This link is to his Boxing Day 2021 show and it was like therapy after a busy build up to Christmas.

The Comfort Of Old Songs
Do you remember spending endless hours as a teenager simply listening to music? Remember the pure joy of going from song to song, thinking, “What about this one!” I’ve spent a few evenings like this recently, feeling nostalgic and euphoric and escaping into that feeling of being totally absorbed in the music. We don’t do it enough these days, do we? This song came to mind and I remembered this gorgeous live version from Johnny Marr. The guitar solo is a real treat.

An Artist To Love
And finally, a new artist to love. I have to confess, I can’t remember where I first spotted Meghan Hildebrand’s work but it made to stop and stare. I love the detail, the colours, the energy. If you have a moment, enjoy a lovely, leisurely stroll through her website. It’s a real treat.


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