Comfort: Cinnamon Buns

When the weather is grey outside, sometimes you just need a little bit of comfort to get you through the day. I found myself watching a cosy video from author and poet Jen Campbell in which she made these delicious cinnamon buns and decided to give them a go myself. There’s something completely magical about baking and the alchemy of how a few simple ingredients can be turned into a pillowy dough that then becomes a tray of warming, sweet treats. The recipe from the BBC website encourages you not to skimp on the cinnamon sugar topping. I also didn’t hold back on the icing which made these remind me of good old fashioned iced buns with a cinnamon twist. I ate two in quick succession fresh out of the oven with a cup of black coffee to counterbalance the sweetness and then froze the rest of the batch so I can warm one up on afternoons when I particularly need a bit of hygge.


Winter Playlist


The Inspiration Behind My Novel