Autumn Playlist

I love the change of the seasons as we finally tumble from Summer into Autumn. The softness of the light as the sun falls lower in the sky. Eating soups instead of salads. Rediscovering old jumpers and sliding my feet into slippers for the first time in months. It’s cosy. It feels so much more gentle and nurturing than the blaze of Summer. As always music plays a big part as I find myself creating late into the night. I often draw in the evenings, curled up in pjs on my sofa. The choice of songs may seem a little random but they all give me a feeling of cosiness for a variety of reasons. And a special mention goes to the Loud Urban Choir cover of Bloody Samaritan. I heard this on an Instagram reel and wish it was a lot longer.

If you fancy a more autumnal themed Autumn Playlist, I also made this one a couple of years ago that I still listen to regularly while scribbling.


Balance In A Storm


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